The Case For Password Managers  

By supertech01 | Published August 6, 2020

Do You Need A Password Manager?

​Tired of clicking “forget password” or remembering a password recovery security question you created years ago? A Password Manager securely stores all your passwords in one place, so you can navigate your apps easily.  Information is encrypted so you know it is the safest place to store your passwords.  Password Managers also include additional time saving features including password generators, form auto-fillers and additional storage capabilities.

Choose The One That Works For You

​Choosing a password manager can seem like a daunting process. We all want to maintain our personal security and protect our data.  The good news is that we have come a long way in secure applications that can safely protect your identity and encrypt data and is easy to use. When choosing a password manager, the main question is whether you want Free vs. Paid membership, and what set of features you need.

Free VS Paid Service

A free trial or free with limited features option is always enticing, but does free provide the best service and features? Protection of personal information is a priority that should be taken seriously.  Do you want your personal data in the hands of a free automated system or know that your Password Manager Company strives to continually improve its security policies and encryption.

Top features you should look for:

  • Unlimited password storage
  • Unlimited devices
  • Security – on your desktop and on the cloud
  • Backup services – easy to restore if data is lost
  • Ability to sync Cloud data across your multiple devices
  • Password Generator
  • Form and Payment AutoFill
  • Password Security Encryption

Password Manager Services offers a large selection of useful features. The key is for you to find which company will serve you the best. For more information on Password Managers, contact Superior Technology at (845) 735-3555 or email us at

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