Developing mobile apps for smartphones has never been easier or more flexible for application developers. So, what should organizations know when building apps specifically for the Android platform that take advantage of the most modern set of capabilities?
Sketching still works
When creating an app for your organization, the most critical time is spent in the up-front planning of your features and user interface. Handing off the sketches of screens and a list of features to a developer or development team is necessary to reach an agreement on the breadth of the work, work schedule, and cost of labor.
Java is still the basis
To deliver an Android app, your in-house developer will still need Java skills to handle all of the basic coding. While Android Studio does a tremendous amount of automated work (i.e. laying out screens, visual previews, providing templates), one will still need strong knowledge of the Java programming language to deliver a completed Android app.
Android Lollipop SDK
The Android core operating system and the software development kit (SDK) control the complete set of features available for implementation in an Android app. Each release for Android is named for sweet treats like KitKat, Ice Cream Sandwich and the latest, Lollipop. This latest release featured significant changes for multiple devices and screen sizes. This dramatically opens up the features one can create in an Android app. See more here: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/lollipop.html
Material Design for your UI
A key piece of the Lollipop release is something Google is calling Material Design. They say that Material Design is meant to “create a visual language that synthesizes classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science.” Wow! To us, it seems more like a clever way to lay out apps. Judge for yourself here: http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design
Android app development in 2015 has tremendous opportunity for business to reach customers, employees and partners with very innovative features all delivered on phones, tablets or anything running the Android operating system. With help in developing apps for your business, or for support while you create an Android app, contact Superior Technology online at www.superiortechnology.com or by phone at 845-735-3555.
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